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Communication System
The country code for Sri Lanka is (00) 94.
When dialing Indian phone numbers simply remove the domestic intercity prefix (0) of that city and replace it by India's country code 0091, or in some communication centers by +91.
International Direct Dialling (IDD) facilities are available at city hotels, resorts, post offices and telecommunication centres.
Free Wi-Fi is offered in most hotels and A/C-guesthouses. For access codes ask at the reception.
The use of GSM cellphones is widespread inside Sri Lanka and the coverage is good. Most mobile network operators have sales offices at the airport, immediately behind the exchange counters. The two market leaders are Dialog Mobile and Mobitel. Apart from Dialog, Etisalat and Airtel provide cheap roaming rates to India in particular. All mobile operators offer cheap IDD Call rates.
If you want to use the internet, the best way is to buy a HSPA dongle and a Mobile Broadband connection. Dialog, Mobitel and Airtel offer prepaid Mobile Broadband services which can be activated and used immediately.
Sri Lanka’s weather is tropical: hot and humid. Having said that, we must hasten to add same couldn’t be said of the whole expanse of the Indian Ocean Island. Climatically Sri Lanka is divided into two zones: the dry zone that spreads over the Northern plains, North central plains, eastern plains and northern and eastern coastal belt. The Wet Zone that encompasses south western region and the single mountain mass of the island that is aptly called the Central Highlands.
Sri Lanka’s weather
patterns are generally well-defined. However weather in the global scale moving in with widespread climatic changes, in Sri Lanka too it could rain unexpectedly: when it ought to be sunny and it could be raining and when it ought to be raining, it could be sun shine.
Temperature in Sri Lanka
The location of the Island of Sri Lanka being just above the equator, the average temperature is quite high. Average temperature in Sri Lanka fluctuates between 27° and 29° Celsius. As everywhere, sea-winds exert a moderating influence. The areas of the Central Highlands are of varying levels of temperature in accordance with the altitude:Kandy (altitude 500m), the average temperature is 20°C, while Nuwara Eliya (at 1889m) has a temperate 16°C average. Warm clothes are essential in the Central Highlands.
Humidity in Sri Lanka
Between December and March, monsoon winds come from the northeast, bringing moisture from the Bay of Bengal. Humidity is typically higher in the southwest and the Central Highlands and depends on the seasonal patterns of rainfall. In the coastal areas such Colombo experience daytime humidity above 70% all year round, rising to almost 90% during the monsoon season in June. Anuradhapura experiences a daytime low of 60% during the monsoon month of March, but a high of 79% during the November and December rains. In the highlands, Kandy’s daytime humidity usually ranges between 70% and 79%.
Rainfall in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka lies 400 miles north of the equator and is affected by two monsoon seasons caused by the winds originating from the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. The monsoon weather patterns in Sri Lanka ensure that some beaches of the coastal belts are always in season for swimming, snorkeling, and diving. From May to August the south-west monsoon originates from the Indian Ocean brings rain to the island’s southwestern half wet zone, receive ample rainfall (an annual average of 250 centimeters. From October to January the north-east monsoon blows, bringing rain to the North and East. Most of the southeast, east, and northern parts of the country comprise the dry zone, which receives between 120 and 190 centimeters of rain annually
When to go in Sri Lanka
November to March/ Weather in Sri Lanka
The principal tourist season in Sri Lanka is during November to March when it is the dry season for south western and Southern beaches and the Central Highlands. November through March are also the months when most foreign tourists visit, the majority of them escaping the European winter. During the Christmas to New Year holiday season, in particular, accommodation rates at tourist hotels hit the highest levels all over the island in view of the sharp upsurge of inward traffic of tourists into the island. Advance booking of hotel rooms during this period is highly recommended.
April to September / Weather in Sri Lanka
The secondary tourist season that span from April to September suits well to tour in the ancient cities of the north Central Plains and the eastern coast.
July to August / Weather in Sri Lanka
July/August is the time of the Kandy Esala Perahera, the 10-day festival held in homage to the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha, and also the time for the Kataragama festival in the South. In both towns, accommodation just before, during and immediately after the festivals is very difficult to come by. Rates could shoot up to double or still higher. The tourists wishing to arrive in Sri Lanka during this period are advised to make bookings of hotel rooms well in advance. Such is Sri Lanka’s climate; tourists will find the right beach anytime of the year somewhere in the island: when it is offseason in western and Southern coast, the Eastern coast of Sri Lanka rise up to the occasion.
Visa & Custom
Online visa must be applied by tourists before entering Sri Lanka. An English form is to be filled out online in order to obtain the "Electronic Travel Authorization" (ETA) on the website The Tourist ETA visa is valid for 1 month.
Visa charges are 15.- US$ for Indians and citizens of other SAARC countries, and 30.- US$ for others. Only citizens of the Maldives and Singapore and holders of a Diplomatic or Official Passport can enter Sri Lanka free of charge. The most convenient payment system is by credit card.
The passport has to be valid for another 6 months from the date of arrival. A ticket for departure from Sri Lanka must already be issued before arrival. Sufficient funds for expenses during the stay in Sri Lanka must be available.
For more detailed information, visit
No vaccination or immunization or inoculation certificates are compulsory, except for yellow fever in case a person has visited one of the following African or Latin American countries during the last nine days before entering Sri Lanka: Angola, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, French Guiana, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guyana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, Ruanda, Peru, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uganda.
Custom Import
Visitors to Sri Lanka bringing in more than 10,000.- US$ must declare the amount to the Customs on arrival. When entering Sri Lanka certain amounts of products containing alcohol are duty free
1.5 litres of spirits, two bottles of wine, 250 ml of toilet water, a small quantity of perfume or other souvenirs with a value not exceeding 250,- US$. There is no duty-free allowance for tobacco products. Any cigarettes must be declared, cartons of cigarettes will definitely carry duty, only very few packets for personal may be free of charge.
The import of pornography of any form is an offence. The import of prohibited drugs carries the death penalty. For further information visit
Custom Export
Sri Lankan banknotes should not leave the country. Unspent Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) can be re-converted to the original currency on departure in case encashment receipts can be produced. For gems, retain your shopping receipts. When leaving the country export of 10 kg of Ceylon Tea is permitted duty free.
Without special permission from the Director of the National Archives or the Director General of the Department of Archaeology it is illegal to export antiques, defined as anything more than 50 years old palm-leaf manuscripts and other rare books and anthropological material, Without special license from the Director of the Depatment of Wildlife Conversation or from the Director of the Forest Department it is prohibited to export any parts of wild animals (e.g. horns, skins or feathers) 450 endemic or threatened plant species, corals, shells or other protected marine products.
Sri Lankan cuisine is one of the most complex cuisines of South Asia,the cuisine of Sri Lanka shows some influence, yet is in many ways quite distinct. As a major trade hub, it draws influence from colonial powers that were involved in Sri Lanka and by foreign traders. Rice, which is consumed daily, can be found at any occasion, while spicy gravy are favorite dishes for lunch and dinner. Some of the Sri Lankan dishes have striking resemblance to Kerala cuisine, which could be due to the similar geographic and agricultural features with Kerala.
Sri Lanka has long been renowned for its spices. Since ancient times, traders from all over the world who came to Sri Lanka brought their native cuisines to the island, resulting in a rich diversity of cooking styles and techniques.
The island nation's cuisine mainly consists of boiled or steamed rice served with curry. This usually consists of a "main curry" of fish, chicken , or mutton (typically goat), as well as several other curries made with vegetables, lentils and even fruit curries. Side-dishes include pickles, chutneys and "sambols". The most famous of these is the coconut sambol, made of ground coconut mixed with chili peppers, dried Maldives and lime juice. This is ground to a paste and eaten with rice, as it gives zest to the meal and is believed to increase appetite.
Another well-known rice dish is kiribath, meaning "milk rice." In addition to sambols, Sri Lankans eat "mallung", chopped leaves mixed with grated coconut and red onions. Coconut milk is found in most Sri Lankan dishes to give the cuisine its unique flavor. Sri Lankan people use spices liberally in their dishes and typically do not follow an exact recipe: thus, every cook's gravy will taste slightly different. Furthermore, people from different regions of the island (for instance, hill-country dwellers versus coastal dwellers) traditionally cook in different ways while people of different ethnic and religious groups tend to prepare dishes according to their customs. Although Sri Lankan food appears similar to Thai ,Malaysian or Indonesian cuisine in its use of chili, cardamom, cumin, coriander and other spices, it has a distinctive taste, and uses ingredients like dried Maldives fish which are local to the area.
Especially for Indians there are pure vegetable or non-veg restaurants available in Sri Lanka Most popular Indian foods are Dosas, Uthappams, chapatti, roti, pittu, Appan (hoppers) string hoppers (idiyappa) etc. Every Sri Lanka Tour packages particularly designed for Indian pilgrims provide purely vegetarian food, non-veg food only on request and we are already connected most popular Indian restaurants in Colombo called curry leaf, Bollywood, Nayagara and Shanmugas Indian restaurants.
Shopping & Gems
Tea: Sri Lanka is the fourth biggest tea producing country in the world (after China, India, and Kenya). Concerning tea producing area density (tea production per square mile) it is the number one tea country. Average pure “Ceylon Tea” qualities are considered to be some of the finest teas for reasonable normal prices produced anywhere in the world. Buying tea at the factories guarantees pure qualities, the factory's own tea shops are more adjusted to the demands of foreign guests concerning varieties, flavors and vacuum package.
There are opportunity to visit one of the most famous high quality tea factory during the tour. Spices: Apart from India's Kerala and the Indonesia's Molucca Islands Sri Lanka is one of the world's three classical spice producing regions, famous for spices since ancient times. The quality of its cinnamon is unsurpassed. Other spices grown in Sri Lanka are pepper there are two verity of peppers in Sri Lanka(white & black), cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, mace, curry leaf, mustard, coriander, lemon grass, cumin, dill, chillies, ginger and vanilla.etc
Handicrafts: Popular souvenirs from Sri Lanka are woodcarvings and wooden masks, silver wear, brass castings, ceramics, lacquer ware, cane works, and coir goods.
Textiles: even today majority of nation used Traditional handloom products are sarongs and other wraparounds, tablecloths, and batik items
Handicrafts: Popular souvenirs from Sri Lanka are woodcarvings and wooden masks, silver wear, brass castings, ceramics, lacquer ware, cane works, and coir goods.
Textiles: Traditional handloom products are sarongs and other wraparounds, tablecloths, and batiks.
Gems of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s gem industry has a very long and colorful history. Sri Lanka was affectionately known as Ratna-Dweepa which means Gem Island. The name is a reflection of its natural wealth. Marco Polo wrote that the island had the best sapphires, topazes, amethysts, and other gems in the world. Ptolemy, the 2nd century astronomer recorded that beryl and sapphire were the mainstay of Sri Lanka’s gem industry. Records from sailors that visited the island states that they brought back “jewels of Serendib”. Serendib was the ancient name given to the island by middle – eastern and Persian traders that crossed the Indian Ocean to trade gems from Sri Lanka to the East during the 4th and 5th century.
Sri Lanka, geologically speaking is an extremely old country. Ninety percent of the rocks of the island are of Precambrian age, 560 million to 2,400 million years ago. The gems form in sedimentary residual gem deposits, eluvial deposits, metamorphic deposits, skarnand calcium-rich rocks. Other gems are of magmatic origin.
Residual deposits are mainly found in flood plains of rivers and streams. The metamorphic types of gems constitute 90% of the gem deposits in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has the highest density of gem deposits compared to its landmass. Ratnapura contains the most gem deposits and derived its name from the gem industry. Ratnapura means “city of gems”.
The blue sapphires from Sri Lanka are known as Ceylon Sapphire. Ceylon Sapphires are reportedly unique in colour, clarity and lustre compared to the blue sapphires from other countries. During your round tour there are opportunity to visit one of the most valuable gemological museum/ lapidary and show room with documentary film of the gem industry in Sri Lanka.
Important Contact
36-38, Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka,
011 2327587
No. 31, Rajapihilla Mawatha, Kandy, Sri Lanka,
011 2503629 TOURIST POLICE
081 2233123, 081 2232495
081 2232494(FAX), NO.17, TEMPLE RD
+94812232465, +94812232447, +94773798339